In the dynamic and ever-changing world of mortgage and real estate, leading with abundance means cultivating an environment where each individual can thrive as their own business within the larger company.

As a leader in this field, you understand the unique balance of fostering team collaboration while empowering each team member's entrepreneurial spirit.

Are you finding that traditional team meetings just aren't resonating with your mortgage or real estate team anymore? You can only discuss last month's numbers and this month's goals so much. "Provide value!" What exactly does that even mean?

You know that you want to provide your team with valuable insights that will not only benefit them individually but also contribute to the success of your company.

Imagine your team not just learning about social media but truly understanding how to leverage it to enhance their personal brand and drive business growth. Imagine them connecting authentically with clients, sparking genuine excitement about properties and loan options, and cultivating lasting relationships that lead to success for both them and the company.

That's where I come in.

Welcome to Approved By Carrie, where we're dedicated to providing an unforgettable learning experience for leaders, managers, and owners like you.

Hi there, I'm Carrie!

With over 20 years of experience in the mortgage side of real estate, I understand not only the dynamic between real estate agents and loan officers but also how to speak the lingo on social media in a way that is educational and informative to someone buying their very first home or their 25th investment.


I specialize in guiding mortgage and real estate teams through the intricacies of social media, using approaches rooted in authenticity, connection, and genuine enthusiasm tailored specifically for this industry.

If you're ready to empower each member of your mortgage or real estate team to elevate their personal brand and contribute to the success of your company, I'm here to support you every step of the way.

Schedule a call with me today to see how letting Approved By Carrie (me) come to your next team meeting (virtually or in person) can help give YOU the boost your team, your brand, your company is really craving.

Let's embark on this journey together of understanding and empowering your team to do better, be better on social media.

Lead with abundance. Lead with empowerment.

What I excel at...


Julie F. @there_she_goes_traveling

Thanks to Carrie I have been able to take my business to the next level! She helps me continue to learn new tools that make everything easier when it comes to marketing, creating documents for my clients that look more polished, and showing me ways to save time and money while increasing my followers.  She has been a life saver and my business has grown because of her.

"Because of carrie  I have my most viewed and shared IG Reel and Tik Tok"

Kelly @boiseinsurancegal

OH MY GOODNESS!!! I didn't know how much I needed Carrie's expertise until I had it. Carrie taught me how to keep social media simple but also how to keep it relevant. She gave me guidelines to follow that allowed me to feel like I can do this. She listens to what your goals are and then teaches you how to easily create a feed that will allow others to relate to you in order to reach those goals. 

Thank you, Carrie! Keep your light shining on all thing’s social media. We need you...

Kind Lending

What sets Carrie apart is her genuine care for her clients. She goes above and beyond to ensure that I feel supported and encouraged throughout her coaching sessions. Her dedication and commitment to my success is evident.

Looking forward to applying my new skills!
Thank you carrie!